Hire me to attract premium clients in just 5 days!

Attracting premium clients you enjoy working with is all about how you communicate. This clinic will change the way you connect with your audience and thus how you feel about your business.

June 17th - 21st, 2024
Time: TBD
In Zoom & Facebook (replay available in Facebook)

You've Got Clients, They Just Aren't The People You Want To Work With

You’re passionate about your business and the services you offer, but its starting to lose its spark – you’re not attracting the kind of clients you dream of working with. You know, the ones that make business enjoyable, resonate deeply with your offerings, and truly appreciate the value you bring. Instead, you find yourself stuck with a mismatch, draining your energy and making every workday feel like an uphill battle. But, because you are bringing in revenue, you are afraid to make a change.

I closed 2 new leads who I want to work with into my aromatherapy school.  I feel much more confident communicating and being more visible promoting my Aromatherapy School.

Maria Fiordalisi

Maria Fiordalisi

Clinical Aromatherapy School / Reflexologist / Educator

Our private coaching clients invest $14,000 as we dive deep to partner with them on clear and magnetic communications.

As we work together during these 5 days you’ll experience the effect clear and magnetic communication has on your prospective clients and how you feel about your business. 

Attract people you want to work with! You are going to LOVE the direction of your business after our 5 days working together.

Day 1
Communicate your offer so your audience wants to go further...NOW!
Day 2
Increase your loyal following by making every potential client feel seen, heard and super valued
Day 3
Reduce outsourcing by learning simple methods of marketing through communicating
Day 4
Have fun with natural conversations that help you close the deal with clients and investors
Day 5
Attract clients with the right pricing for your offers that means more true profit for your business

Fall in love with your business all over again by working with clients and partners that you love!

Working with people who don’t really get your business is  incredibly frustrating, isn’t it? You’re craving that seamless connection with clients who get it, who make your work feel rewarding and fun. But the path to finding these ideal clients seems clouded with the daunting tasks of marketing and selling – things that might not come naturally to you. The last thing you want is to spend your valuable time on strategies that feel inauthentic or, worse, to outsource this crucial part of your business, losing touch with the very essence of your brand.

In these 5 days your creativity will flow as you sample how we help you develop your business ideas in a different way and get re-engaged with your audience.

Hi! I’m Renée Hughes. As a communications expert I’ve trained over 400 professionals to speak and write about their business in a way that attracts premium clients, collaborative partnerships and even media attention.

I know what it takes to run a thriving practice and school even with uncertain economic conditions. And, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned in our groups, classes and programs.

Re-Engage In Your Marketing & Attract The Right Clients

Imagine if, in just 5 days, you could re-invent the way you communicate with your audience, rediscover the passion and uniqueness of your offer, and attract the clients you’ve always wanted. I’m here to make this a reality. Join me for a focused 5-day journey where we’ll dive deep into rethinking your communication strategy, refining your offer, and perfecting your call to action. But it’s not just about ideas – we’ll roll up our sleeves and get actual work done. By the end of these 5 days, you’ll emerge with a renewed confidence in your business, a clear communication strategy, and the tools to attract clients that make work feel like play. Let’s turn your business into a magnet for those dream clients together.

Attraction is the BEST way to advance and still enjoy building a business.
Together, we make it possible.

Attract Clients With Premium Communication

$ 297
  • Attract more quality clients as you work with us for 5 special, fun filled days that will have a forever impact on your business and mindset.

Attract Clients with Premium Communication
VIP Upgrade

$ 597
  • Enjoy advanced coaching and personalized analysis:
  • _________________________________________________________
  • Daily LIVE Q&A for a deeper dive on your project (valued at $500)
  • 1 Ticket purchases 2 seats (yourself & 1 person from your organization
  • Get 30 days to Confident Speaking Training (valued at $197)
  • Lifetime access to the April trainings (valued at $150)

Hear what our satisfied participants have to say!

I am super psyched!  Renee says that once your message is clear and you can confidently speak about what you do, you become sought after.  And it happened!  An award-winning film and tv producer, who creates amazing pieces on health reached out to get support from ME for a new series he is doing on Alzheimers.

Debrah Nadler

Debrah Nadler

Alzheimers Support

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